Soroush Abbasi Koohpayegani

Latent Space of My Mind

Welcome to the Latent Space of My Mind! In my research, I've learned to communicate accurately. For example, the introduction should avoid overclaiming, ensuring that every statement is supported by citations, empirical experiments, or theoretical justifications. However, this contrasts with my mind, where I desire to speak and think freely without any constraints. Many of the contents presented here stem from my imagination rather than concrete facts. In fact, I believe my strongest skill is my imagination. So, on this page, I won't concern myself with the correctness of my statements, and probably they are wrong. I want to speak freely and purely from the latent state of my mind. Feel free to email me and discuss your opinions—I love that. I use GPT-4 to capture images from my mind. This process isn't easy, not because GPT-4 is dumb, but rather because I'm not smart enough to effectively communicate with it. Nonetheless, I find it to be the best solution. There's no one else with whom I can freely converse and ask to visualize my mind for me. So, respect to one of my best friends on this journey who understands me—the GPT!
